For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Ministry only happens at Tri-City because of the many volunteers who are committed to serving in the local church. We encourage people to step forward and get involved using their specific gifts and passions to help make our ministries great. We only have a handful of paid staff, so we rely on building volunteer leadership and teams through our members. Every aspect of every ministry at Tri-City utilizes volunteers just like you. Volunteer opportunities exist both on Sunday mornings
and during the week.
and during the week.

Serve @ Tri-City
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
At Tri-City , we have unique opportunities to reach out with love to others and share the Gospel!
There are many ways that you can get involved! Below is a list of current and ongoing volunteer needs. You can also check out our Local Outreach for more ways to serve our community.
There are many ways that you can get involved! Below is a list of current and ongoing volunteer needs. You can also check out our Local Outreach for more ways to serve our community.